Sea Fennel
Crithmum maritimo
Sea fennel is a deeply branched vegetable with round, fleshy leaves of triangular outline. Its leaves are strongly aromatic when squeezed (its essential oils are used in perfumery) with strong reminders of fennel and parsley, slightly salty and may be slightly bitter.
Sea Fennel RiaFresh® is an ingredient with high potential to aromatize dishes evoking marine sensations. It is recommended in salads or as warm garnish on meats. It is very suitable for making pickles.
Available in the following sales units: 15 g (for other units please consult us).
Availability and conservation
Sea Fennel Riafresh® is available all year round, sliced and fresh. It can be stored at 3 to 7 °C for up to 21 days.
Sea Fennel RiaFresh® is GLOBALG.A.P. certified.